Well the wait continues to just get a date for my tribunal with the DWP. Life in the meantime continues at a snails pace only interrupted by hospital visits, medical tests periods of chronic pain, fatigue and the usual. As per the age old saying "same shit different day" some of my symptoms have really flared up and had me off my feet feeling very low but with a Jack Russell in my life that doesn't last very long before he brightens me up enough to put best foot forward.
i would like to write that i have done lots of painting and gaming with my friends however, that has not been the case. Life has been pretty shitty and with the drop in overall weather conditions my body responds like its a bloody barometer. It has been days wasted to a medication induced haze a myriad of symptoms and broken sleep compounding the whole situation. For weeks now my mood has been very low and i got to the point where i could have just given up were it not for my dog. i don't mean do anything silly but just getting to a point where all i wanted to say was fuck it in a big strong voice to everything and everyone. to make matters worse my best friend, confidant and the only one i will let near me to help with the more embarrassing symptoms, was taken ill herself and after several weeks up in the air needed to move county for better medical treatment and family support. This was perhaps my biggest blow and only served to feed that feeling of isolation that comes with dealing with a chronic health condition.
That said in true Phil style i plodded on and kept my 3D printer going making all the gaming terrain i wanted but never could afford. Hour after hour busily printing away until i had quite a backlog of stuff to paint. i suppose it would still be going now were it not for a slight hiccup as boy is it a buzz when you get a project done. i have made so many pieces over the last weeks between blog entries that i had to put a plethora of shelves (all car boot finds that have been in my shed for ages) up in my gaming room to house them all tidily.
So what was my hiccup? nothing short of sending my printer up in flames. yes you read right, i am about to set the printer to print the finishing piece of a project when i smell burning plastic and see wisps of smoke coming from the motherboard. luckily i was sat next to it and hadnt wandered off so it was an easy save, but scratch one printer motherboard that was now dead. i suppose the upside of this is that i have a window of opportunity now to catch up painting the backlog and when done i will post pics crediting the owners of the design which is only fair..
i would like to write that i have done lots of painting and gaming with my friends however, that has not been the case. Life has been pretty shitty and with the drop in overall weather conditions my body responds like its a bloody barometer. It has been days wasted to a medication induced haze a myriad of symptoms and broken sleep compounding the whole situation. For weeks now my mood has been very low and i got to the point where i could have just given up were it not for my dog. i don't mean do anything silly but just getting to a point where all i wanted to say was fuck it in a big strong voice to everything and everyone. to make matters worse my best friend, confidant and the only one i will let near me to help with the more embarrassing symptoms, was taken ill herself and after several weeks up in the air needed to move county for better medical treatment and family support. This was perhaps my biggest blow and only served to feed that feeling of isolation that comes with dealing with a chronic health condition.
That said in true Phil style i plodded on and kept my 3D printer going making all the gaming terrain i wanted but never could afford. Hour after hour busily printing away until i had quite a backlog of stuff to paint. i suppose it would still be going now were it not for a slight hiccup as boy is it a buzz when you get a project done. i have made so many pieces over the last weeks between blog entries that i had to put a plethora of shelves (all car boot finds that have been in my shed for ages) up in my gaming room to house them all tidily.
So what was my hiccup? nothing short of sending my printer up in flames. yes you read right, i am about to set the printer to print the finishing piece of a project when i smell burning plastic and see wisps of smoke coming from the motherboard. luckily i was sat next to it and hadnt wandered off so it was an easy save, but scratch one printer motherboard that was now dead. i suppose the upside of this is that i have a window of opportunity now to catch up painting the backlog and when done i will post pics crediting the owners of the design which is only fair..