Today saw some progress on a few ongoing projects. While we have had days of scorching sun and high pollen levels I have been confined to the house with my allergies, dosed heavily with medication and at times forced to wear my mask. It's been very difficult to get anything done so I am extremely pleased with even the little I have achieved. In reality it's very little compared to the volume of projects completed by friends during the same period but these days I simply can't compete and have to be grateful for the little wins.
so what have I done....... Well for starters the frostgrave board was laid on tressles in the garden and given a sealing varnish via spray. Nothing fancy just a can of GW mat varnish. Once dry I then went at it with the water effects giving areas looking like ice or melt water. These dried very well and quickly baked in the sun. I also stained the frame with a mahogany varnish got from the car boot for 50p for a complete tin. All that was needed then was an aid to help me move it around the house without any heavy lifting.
As usual I pondered over a cup of tea, whilst looking through the shed for inspiration. I settled for two small metal castors which I placed on the corners of one side. This allows me to roll the table on to a side with wheels for movement and then a simple roll To a flat side for storage and no movement. It may not be to everyone's cup of tea but works for me and my limitations.
so what have I done....... Well for starters the frostgrave board was laid on tressles in the garden and given a sealing varnish via spray. Nothing fancy just a can of GW mat varnish. Once dry I then went at it with the water effects giving areas looking like ice or melt water. These dried very well and quickly baked in the sun. I also stained the frame with a mahogany varnish got from the car boot for 50p for a complete tin. All that was needed then was an aid to help me move it around the house without any heavy lifting.
As usual I pondered over a cup of tea, whilst looking through the shed for inspiration. I settled for two small metal castors which I placed on the corners of one side. This allows me to roll the table on to a side with wheels for movement and then a simple roll To a flat side for storage and no movement. It may not be to everyone's cup of tea but works for me and my limitations.
as you can see from the pictures there's quite a bit of stuff in progress bolt action warmachine and hordes. It's my first time trying a chipping effect on the American vehicles but so far I'm pleased with progress.