All of my good intentions have come to nothing, my body has really thrown problems at me and stopped me in my tracks. Despite being a stubborn old git trying to plod along at a steady pace I have been taken off my feet for a few days.
Along with the usual chronic pain aches and fatigue I have had bowel problems leaving me incredibly sore and bleeding . My reynauds has been a problem and I've been wandering about the house wearing a onesie and gloves and that's inside. As its round the house it's ok to keep warm and gives the postman a laugh when I open the door and he's confronted by a fat ninja ( yes the onesie is black ). I think that the recent drop in temperature has shown up the faults in my rented accommodation and its Windows which have been condemned a while now as they are in such a state.
After 5 years of this suffering year upon year aided with a few neighbours we have collectively challenged the landlord to get the windows and doors replaced but this as you can imagine brings with it stress and conflict we could do without. The whole situation is made worse as the landlord is a charity for ex servicemen a lot of which have disabilities or simple ill health.
Caught up in the system I can't move, can't get a council house and don't have the income for a private rental so now my only option is to fight the system and time will tell with that one.
In the meantime what's new..........
Along with the usual chronic pain aches and fatigue I have had bowel problems leaving me incredibly sore and bleeding . My reynauds has been a problem and I've been wandering about the house wearing a onesie and gloves and that's inside. As its round the house it's ok to keep warm and gives the postman a laugh when I open the door and he's confronted by a fat ninja ( yes the onesie is black ). I think that the recent drop in temperature has shown up the faults in my rented accommodation and its Windows which have been condemned a while now as they are in such a state.
After 5 years of this suffering year upon year aided with a few neighbours we have collectively challenged the landlord to get the windows and doors replaced but this as you can imagine brings with it stress and conflict we could do without. The whole situation is made worse as the landlord is a charity for ex servicemen a lot of which have disabilities or simple ill health.
Caught up in the system I can't move, can't get a council house and don't have the income for a private rental so now my only option is to fight the system and time will tell with that one.
In the meantime what's new..........
another unit of gators for my hordes army assembled based and ready for primer, I was quite pleased that these figures went together very easy and with minimal flash or indeed problems. They are the first warmachine figures I've had in plastic and was pleasantly surprised. The figures were a little light for my liking on completion so I filled the bases with ball bearings and pva before I assembled the figures to their base. It gives a satisfying weight to the group and should I drop one it lands on the base every time.